Conditions, Acceptance and Waiver
Responsible party and/or the student understands that students may be injured during the course of training or during an event at Alouettes Academy.
Responsible party and/or the student hereby assume the risk of injury and hereby waives any claim for any and all injuries, including medical expenses.
I hereby agree that Amore Behavior & MentalHealth Corp. can use pictures and videos of the participant's likeness and waive any and all liability
for the release of pictures and videos in any advertisement for Amore Behavior & Mental Health Corp.
Students and parents pledge to comply with all rules and regulations of the center. We reserve the right to dismiss any student or parent at any
time without a refund of their tuition, for any misconduct and/or failure to follow with center rules and regulations.
I'm al least 18 years of age or more, I have read and by signing this agreement I understood and agreed to the terms and conditions .
Tuition Payment is Non-Refundable. Tuition Payments are due the last camp day of the prior week (Friday) when choosing weekly option.